
Stratford 学校 Students Win Numerous Awards in Future City Engineering Competition


在今年的未来城市工程竞赛中, Stratford 学校 teams received 20 total awards for their visionary city designs, with Stratford Fremont Middle 学校’s New Goldhaven team taking home the 1st place trophy! Stratford Preparatory Blackford’s Botalecce Bay team was awarded third place, 斯特拉特福圣何塞中学的电力队排名第五, and 17 additional Stratford 学校 teams received awards for innovation and design. We are proud of all of our Stratford students and to our teachers who helped guide them in this impressive engineering endeavor! Your inventive ideas will continue to move our futures forward in a positive direction.



This year’s exciting NorCal Future City Competition took place on Saturday, 1月20日, 2024年在我们自己的斯特拉特福预备布莱克福德校区. Middle 学校 students form schools throughout the Bay Area came to present their future city projects and show off their innovative spirit and keen engineering skills.

Stratford’s seventh and eighth-grade engineering students undertook the challenge “Electrify Your Future.由工程设计过程指导, 学生开发未来城市, 实施项目管理方法,确保项目的一致性. 比赛内容包括撰写城市描述文章, 设计二维城市地图, 用回收材料建造模型. 提交了详细的电气化解决方案, 各队向评委展示了他们的未来城市, 给他们的描述打分, 模型, 和演示.

This year’s hands-on experience nurtured engineering skills and imparted real-world insights for future challenges, showcasing students’ creativity and commitment to a sustainable and electrifying future. 参观 未来城市网站 了解更多.



  • 第一名:New Goldhaven - Stratford Fremont中学
  • 第三名:Botalecee Bay - Stratford Preparatory Blackford
  • 第五名:斯特拉特福圣何塞中学
  • Best Age-Friendly City: Ville D’Avenir – Stratford Palo Alto Middle 学校
  • Best Use of Aerospace Technology in a Future City: Αυτονομοχωρι – Stafford Palo Alto Middle 学校
  • Advancing Quality of Life for All: Halcyon City – Stratford San Jose Middle 学校
  • Most Sustainable Food Production System: Nixsolis – Stratford San Jose Middle 学校
  • Best Use of Renewable Energy: Lectricus – Stratford Preparatory Blackford
  • Most Innovative Design of Infrastructure Systems: Acropolis – Stratford Milpitas Great Mall Parkway
  • Best integration of Equity in Designing the Built Environment using Nature-Powered Solutions: Hydrofalls – Stratford Fremont Middle 学校
  • Best Futuristic City: Crystelia – Stratford Milpitas Great Mall Parkway
  • Best Management of Water Resources: New Iceburg – Stratford Fremont Middle 学校
  • The City of the Future that Best Incorporates Cultural and Historical Resources: Euphoria – Stratford Preparatory Blackford
  • Most Advanced Smart Grid: Aquatica – Stratford Milpitas Great Mall Parkway
  • Excellence in Systems Integration: Noyau De La Terre – Stratford Milpitas Great Mall Parkway
  • Best Transportation System for the Community: Mantaqua – Stratford Preparatory Blackford
  • Mission Possible: Positively Impacting the Community: New Phoenix – Stratford Pleasanton Middle 学校
  • Professional Engineering Award: Environmentropolis – Stratford San Jose Middle 学校
  • Best Visualization of a Smart Sustainable City: 100% all the way – Stratford Pleasanton Middle 学校
  • Excellence in Resilience Engineering: Lectricus – Stratford Preparatory Blackford



第一名得奖者: 团队合作, the Fremont Middle 学校 students of the New Goldhaven Project designed a model of a city located along the banks of Rio Lampa in Peru inhabited by 105,000 refugees from a 2027 military crisis and projected to be 100 years from now. This Future City project is designed to be powered entirely by electricity from sources that keep its citizens and the environment healthy and safe using advanced technology and specialized infrastructure to help its population thrive and protect against natural disasters. The residents primarily commute via underground maglev trains and electric buses, live in apartments and single-family houses designed to withstand earthquakes, 而依靠老练, 多层安全应急响应系统. 为这座城市提供燃料的可再生能源是太阳能电池板, 水电, 地热能, 辅以革命性的无中子核聚变. Engineers of various disciplines work hand in hand to facilitate the city’s effective operation.

New Goldhaven Team: Mr. 罗林斯(教师/顾问)Eric Niu, 奥利维亚康, 拉库马哈斯。, Neev沙, Tamanna汉, Vaishnav Nair, Taoyu她, 凯文何, 帕特里克·刘, 塔拉巴拉, Ansh Shenvi Priolkar, Naittick新德里, Vaedanth罗伊

Stratford Preparatory Blackford Future City 2024第三名

三等奖得主: The engineering student team at Stratford Preparatory Blackford imagined the futuristic city of Botalecce Bay on the western shores of South Africa, 在开普敦沦陷后兴起. 2124年将迎来40周年纪念, Botalecce Bay是全球第九大最成功的城市, 将现代科技与自然紧密结合. Job opportunities in technology and energy management showcase a commitment to innovation and climate improvement, 公共交通系统融合了最先进的出行方式, 强调环保解决方案. Botalecce Bay focuses on electrification through green sources and employs unique infrastructure elements for energy efficiency. 该团队详细介绍了水处理过程, 废物管理, 先进的农业实践, highlighting the city’s dedication to sustainability and positioning Botalecce Bay as a transformative and exemplary model for a harmonious coexistence of technology and nature.

Botalecce Bay团队: Yiran李, 马卡斯陈, Isha Marthi, 威廉·金, Samarth Koshti, Tavish Sathish, 鑫徐, 穆萨Raza, 如意王, 安娜Rohlfing, 亚伦米利根, Keyaa沙, 咏叹调Devasia

祝贺斯特拉特福德学校未来城市团队! Team New Goldhaven, good luck in the Future City Nationals competition in Washington, D.C.!

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